Tuesday 12 April 2011

Final Week and Meetings

This week we have been compiling all of the different resources we've been working on individually into the final flash application. This includes the final renders of the 3D models, the character portraits and the audio tracks. With all the work finally in one document we can start to finalise the work for this project for the friday 15th deadline.

Friday 1 April 2011

Client Visit and work Progress - 1st April

After a visit from the client this week we have had a talk amongst us and decided on a few alterations to the project that we must put into effect to ensure that our work is finished and up to a quality standard.
Firstly, we agreed that animating each of the individual vessels would be too time constraining and might take our focus off getting the flash application how we would want it. After Washington had made an initial Animatic for the mustard pot, it was clear that the workload would be too strenous to complete an in-depth animation of all of the vessels.

Although this might sound a radical change in our direction we feel it will benefit the project and the social lives of everyone involved. We also decided to change the layout of each of the vessels indivudal pages in the flash application. We think that having a large still visual of each of the vessels, accompanied by the 3D rotation of the object that has been modelled would be very effective.

We plan on having the 3D models and the final visuals for each of the vessels complete by next week. We can then solely focus on the flash application and it's functionality.